Ormiston Specialist Centre
Ground Floor, Ormiston Hospital
125 Ormiston Road, Flat Bush, 2019
Email: reception@ormistonspecialists.co.nz


(09) 271 3305


Urology-588Urology care service  

Ormiston Specialist Centre is dedicated to clinical excellence in urologic care. We offer cutting-edge, patient-focused treatments for male genitourinary tract and female urinary tract disorders.

Our specialists provide sophisticated, compassionate care and the most innovative treatments for patients with any type of urological condition.

Our team of Urologists in cludes Andrew Williams and Chris Hawke.

Ask your GP to refer you to one of the specialist team at Ormiston Specialist Centre or make a booking by clicking the link below. 

Book a consultation. 

Urology-588Urology care service  

Ormiston Specialist Centre is dedicated to clinical excellence in urologic care. We offer cutting-edge, patient-focused treatments for male genitourinary tract and female urinary tract disorders.

Our specialists provide sophisticated, compassionate care and the most innovative treatments for patients with any type of urological condition.

Our Urologists includes Andrew Williams and Chris Hawke.

Ask your GP to refer you to one of the specialist team at Ormiston Specialist Centre or make a booking by clicking the link below. 

Book a consultation. 

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Ask Us

(09) 271 3305


Ormiston Specialist Centre
Ground Floor
Ormiston Hospital
125 Ormiston Road
Flat Bush
Auckland 2019
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