Ormiston Specialist Centre
Ground Floor, Ormiston Hospital
125 Ormiston Road, Flat Bush, 2019
Email: reception@ormistonspecialists.co.nz


(09) 271 3305

Ravinder Ogra - Gastroenterology

Location and Contact Details:

Physical Address:
Ground Floor,
125 Ormiston Road
Flat Bush
Postal Address:
Ground Floor,
125 Ormiston Road
Flat Bush
Phone: (09) 271 3305
Fax: (09) 277 0769
Email:  reception@ormistonspecialists.co.nz
Ravinder Ogra 
Qualifications: MBBS, MD, FRACP


Areas of specialisation:
Gastroenterology and Endoscopy

Endoscopic removal of large polyps, pre-cancerous lesions and early cancers of the gastrointestinal track.
Palliative treatment of advanced gastrointestinal cancers.

Argon plasma coagulation treatment of GAVE, Angiodysplasia and Radiation Proctitis.

Gastrointestinal Stenting: Enteral Feeding.

Specialist training: Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy
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(09) 271 3305


Ormiston Specialist Centre
Ground Floor
Ormiston Hospital
125 Ormiston Road
Flat Bush
Auckland 2019
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